外资(欧美) 50-150人 专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会)
外资(欧美) 50-150人 专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会)
Welcome to BurmingNash Consulting (博明纳仕-智能制造招聘专家) company profile- Recruiting Expert in Intelligence ManufacturingBurmingNash Consulting (博明纳仕) is a leading professional recruitment consultancy, offering Executive Search, Contingency Recruitment and RPO services in Asia Region.Our services include a range of recruitment solutions tailored to meet the needs of both Foreign- and Chinese- owned organizations, across a diverse portfolio of industry segments.Our reputation has been built upon delivering outstanding results and exceptional service levels.Our consultants are subject matter experts in their chosen fields, they are experienced, thoroughly trained and, importantly, passionate about their specialist fields.Our Sectors: Intelligent manufacturing/ Robotics / AI / 3D Printing/ AR / UAV/ Home Automation/ Autonomous Vehicle Intelligence Logistics; 机器人、人工智能、VR、无人机、无人驾驶、智能家居、智能物流、3D打印We are confident that our expertise can add value to your recruitment or job search process – get in touch to find more.Contact with: michelle.dong@burmingnash.com.cn ; + 86) 21 52991611